BFM + B. United Cuvée Du 7ème (Zymatore - Ransom Gin And Pinot Noir)
Sour Ale · 7.5% ABV · ~160 calories
Brasserie des Franches-Montagnes · Saignelégier, Switzerland
+ B. United International Inc. (Zymatore Project) · Oxford, CT
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Beer Description
This amazing beer was created the day we commemorated the 7th anniversary of the Brasserie des Franches-Montagnes. The opening days, held every year on the first Saturday of November, are the opportunity for the brewer to devise a new recipe.
This one-off impressed B. United International Inc.’s boss so much that he asked for it to be brewed again just for you lot across the Pond. It is brewed using a combination of 6 aroma hop varieties, which give it a moderate bitterness and a complex bouquet evolving over time. Yes, because Cuvee Du 7eme will improve over time, you should stash it away in a cellar.

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