St. Boniface + Rotunda There Gose My Hero
Gose · 5.8% ABV · ~150 calories
St. Boniface Craft Brewing Co. · Lancaster, PA
+ Rotunda Brewing Company · Annville, PA
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Beer Description
The end product gives you the traditional salty start of a gose with lime peel added to complement the tartness of the style. It was finished with a fresh ginger addition that adds a slight spiciness along with the Hefeweizen yeast.
Because every good gose needs a pun, There Gose My Hero is a collaborative beer between St. Boniface Craft Brewing Co and Rotunda Brewing Co. The two companies decided to brew a new style together. The end product gives you the traditional salty start of a gose with lime peel added to complement the tartness of the style. It was finished with a fresh ginger addition that adds a slight spiciness along with the Hefeweizen yeast.

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