Marz There's Always Beer in the Banana Stand
Imperial Stout · 10.0% ABV · ~320 calories
Marz Community Brewing Company · Chicago, IL
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Beer Description
An imperial stout with Thai bananas, overripe bananas and cocoa nibs—no lactose necessary as it’s smooth, sweet and creamy enough on it’s own.
You’re gonna want to fire up the Corn Baller for this one! A few months back The Beer Temple hosted an epic Pastry Stout battle between Mikerphone, Une Annee and Marz, bringing in three titans of the adjunct game to face off against each other for the coveted title of Pastry King. It was a heated battle, with hearts a-flutter, but our very own Tim Lange emerged victorious, albeit a little sticky. As such we’re brewing the winning entry, an imperial stout with Thai bananas, overripe bananas and cocoa nibs—no lactose necessary as it’s smooth, sweet and creamy enough on it’s own. For that reason, it’s easy to see why there’s always beer in the banana stand.

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