Ommegang Wild at Heart
Sour Ale · 8.0% ABV · ~160 calories
Ommegang Brewery (Duvel Moortgat) · Cooperstown, NY
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Beer Description
In a rarely-employed technique we use only wild brettanomyces yeast in primary fermentation – the very heart of the beer.
Wild at Heart is an audacious new ale in our Brewermaster’s Obession Series.The brettanomyces yeast imparts robust fruit flavors and aromas, and combines with Motueka and Topaz hops to create uncommon tastes and aromas.
Wild at Heart pours a rich amber hue, slightly hazy with a full white head. Tropical aromas include mango, passion fruit, pineapple, and a touch of slight lemon and lime. Complex flavors present a restrained fruity sweetness, green apples and a touch of tartness. Carefully balanced with gentle malt sweetness and moderate lemon and lime hop flavor. Faint hop bitterness is followed by a crisp, effervescent finish.

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