O’Hara’s Irish Stout Nitro beer

O’Hara’s Irish Stout Nitro

Stout · 4.3% ABV · ~210 calories

Carlow Brewing Company · Co. Carlow, Ireland


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Beer Description

O’Hara’s Irish Stout has a robust roast flavour complemented by a full-bodied and smooth mouth feel.

The flagship of the O’Hara’s brand, this uniquely Irish stout brings one back to how Irish stouts used to taste. First brewed in 1999, it has since been awarded prestigious honours for its quality and authenticity.

The generous addition of Fuggle hops lends a tart bitterness to the dry espresso-like finish. This sessionable stout beer is filled with rich complex coffee aroma mingled with light liquorice notes. The combination of traditional stout hops with an extra pinch of roast barley allows us to stay true to Irish tradition, recreating a taste so often yearned for by stout drinkers.

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