Avondale Meredith Marzen
Oktoberfest · 5.5% ABV · ~170 calories
Avondale Brewing Company · Birmingham, AL
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Beer Description
The Meredith Marzen is our first ever true lager brewed at Avondale. The Marzen style of beer is also known as an Oktoberfest style, traditionally brewed in March and cellared in caves until the end of summer. It was a special beer to be drank at Oktoberfest in Bavaria. The finest malts from the previous year crops were used to brew this premium lager in celebration of the new brewing season. The brew has a deep golden hue. The aroma is clean and malty. Malt is the major player in this brew and it dominates the palate. The rich malt character is derived from mostly vienna and munich malt. The vienna malt adds a toasty and biscuity flavor that is balanced by the sweet munich malt.

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