Boothbay Craft Brewery

Boothbay, ME

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All beers · Boothbay Craft Brewery

  • Boothbay Thirsty Botanist

    IPA · 7.0% ABV

    New England style IPA. Flavor notes of grapefruit, peach, guava and tangerine with minimal bitterness.
  • Boothbay 633

    American Pale Ale · 6.33% ABV

    It is a mildly hoppy pale ale using a 2 row pale base malt and several other specialty malts for body,color, and head retention.
  • Boothbay SnowmoBeer

    Lager · 5.0% ABV

    This North American light lager rips! Open 'ah right up bud! Made with local watah, barley, just a touch of cahn, a tiny bit of hops and a whole lot of yeehaw. American light lager, bud...
  • Boothbay 10 Lewis

    Session IPA · 5.0% ABV

  • Boothbay Dexter Rippa' Red IPA

    IPA · 6.8% ABV

    Named after the trusty wooden-handled knife always kept at hand on every commercial fishing vessel. It'll rip a cod, hake, and haddock or even that other fisherman's line that just set over you...