Jinro (HiteJinro)

Cerritos, CA

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All wines · Jinro (HiteJinro)

  • Jinro Chamisul Fresh Soju

    Sake · 16.5% ABV

    Chamisul Fresh Soju is a neutral spirit distilled from rice. It is filtered with charcoals made from Korean bamboo for a fresher and cleaner finish.

About the winery

Since its launch in 1924, Jinro Soju (Spirits distilled from grain 13-24% ABV) has consistently held its position as the number one soju brand in Korea while revolutionizing Korea’s drinking culture. Globally, Jinro Soju has been the world’s best-selling spirit brand for 22 consecutive years, outselling other leading brands like Stolichnaya, Bacardi, and Johnnie Walker.* Jinro Soju has also earned numerous accolades in International Spirits Competition for its superb taste and quality. This success can be attributed to the brand’s experience of nearly a century of spirit making artistry and the passion for crafting a spirit from Korea’s finest natural resources: choice grains and spring water.

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