3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze Kriek Intense Rood
Lambic - Fruit · 6.0% ABV · ~190 calories
Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen · Teirlinckplein Beersel
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2.1 miles away · 547 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA 94117
Bar · Menu Updated: 02/15/2025
1.5L Bottle $75
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Beer Description
3 Fonteinen “Intens Rood” (Intense Red) is the result of macerating hand-picked whole sour cherries on lambic for at least six months, in a proportion of one kilogram of fruit per litre of lambic, and is then blended again with more lambic to obtain a minimum intensity of 450 grams of fruit per liter. The kriek lambic ferments in the bottle for at least another six months and develops into an intense wine-like fruit lambic.

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