Tröegs Naked Elf
Tripel · 6.8% ABV · ~280 calories
Tröegs Independent Brewing · Hershey, PA
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Beer Description
Ever since we developed The Mad Elf, we’ve speculated what it would taste like without the cherries and honey.
Naked Elf takes a hard look at the less-is-more theory. So what lies beneath the fruit? Naked Elf is unfiltered, so the spicy yeast taste is more prominent in this strong, hazy orange ale. The combination of the Pilsner, and Vienna malts give a lot of body and minimal sweetness, but Naked Elf has a dry finish. Finally, the heat of the alcohol makes its presence known in the finish. The Naked Elf’s finest quality is the delicate balancing act between a lively yeast kick and a slight alcohol note that lingers in the back of the mouth constantly reminding us not to overindulge in this complex, warming elixir.

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