Our kolsch featuring 100% NYS ingredients including water from a spring on our farm. Brewed with pilsner malt, 'noble' hops, and fermented in stainless for 3 weeks.
Hazy pale ale brewed with 100% NYS grain and hops. Dry hopped with Paradigm, Emerald Spire, and Chinook while fermenting warm on our house ale yeast for 2 weeks.
Light-bodied American-style Brown Ale with aromatic NY cascade hops, balanced light chocolate and gentle roasted notes. Can-conditioned with maple syrup.
Double IPA made with 100% NY-grown ingredients. Two heavy-handed dry hop additions of NY Zeus, Mackinac and Paradigm hops saturate this pungent, hazy Double IPA...
A New York take on a traditional German Ale - Brewed with organic pale and pilsen malts from New York, lightly hopped with German Tetnang hops and organic Nugget hops from Arrowood Farms...
Brewed in collaboration with Rose Hill Farms in Red Hook, NY. A blend of Arrowood Farms barrel aged farmhouse ale and cider grown and pressed at Rose Hill.
Midnight Farmhouse Ale with dark rye and wheat, brewed with freshly picked Cascade hops. Balances light acidity with rich oak and notes of dark chocolate and dried fruit.
White ale brewed with a heavy proportion of wheat, oats and coriander. 100% NYS hops and grain, fermented with our own farmhouse yeast strain for 4 weeks.